The tragic love story between Guido, the owner of a marble quarry and Luisa, the humble daughter of one of his employees, ends up in her giving birth to a baby boy. Giulio's mother is against them: at first she takes her son abroad with an ex
本·普拉特、妮娜·杜波夫、Mena Massoud和戴米恩·刘易斯将主演新片《主宰这座城》 , Ricky Tollman编写剧本,并首执导筒。讲述一个年轻记者急于证明自己,他发现了一桩丑闻,涉及到一名浮华的、不可预测的政客,政客的助手们试图牵制住他们的老板,为保住工作而进行秘密行动。 Randy Manis、 Jonathan Bronfman制片。