In a world where mythical creatures are real, monsters and humans are forced to coexist; and as prejudice and insecurity pulls everyone apart, three separate storylines manage to come together.
电影讲述了第一次世界大战中加利普里战役的悲惨结局,并聚焦于两位主角——理想主义者阿奇里(梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)和浪子法兰(马克·李 Mark Lee 饰)。他们原本来自澳大利亚,在战争中的经历塑造了他们的性格和价值观。
Cassie distracts herself with work, while Jenny recovers from her near-death experience, but it won't be long before a mysterious accident leads them to cross paths. Ronald is wrapped up in something he can't get out