Mr. Monster lives a lonely life away from the town with his only friend, the Mysterious, who grew up with him happily and peacefully. Until one day the Mysterious causes some trouble and makes Mr. Monster embarrassed in front of everyone, and trapped in horrible nightmare. Mr. Monster tries to cut off all contact with the world by locking themselves in the house. Unfortunately, an unexpected fire comes, and Mr. Monster is in a dilemma: dying in the raging fire or being faced with public ridicule. What is his choice, and who is his mysterious friend?
Mr. Monster lives a lonely life away from the town with his only friend, the Mysterious, who grew up with him happily and peacefully. Until one day the Mysterious causes some trouble and makes Mr. Monster embarrassed in front of everyone, and trapped in horrible nightmare. Mr. Monster tries to cut off all contact with the world by locking themselves in the house. Unfortunately, an unexpected fire comes, and Mr. Monster is in a dilemma: dying in the raging fire or being faced with public ridicule. What is his choice, and who is his mysterious friend?